
Monday, July 4, 2011

I Walk Alone

This song is a cliche, yet it is special to me. There was a warm day in June when I went to New Jersey to pick up my new to me car. It a symbolic moment. It was the final piece of my independence. I was nineteen years old, afraid and free. I climbed into the car and looked at the back seat at my belongings, pulled out of the drive way and left my mother's home behind. As I crossed over the United States, every radio station played this song for the first two hours of my journey. This song was describing my life in that moment. It represents a snapshot of what I was. There was an air of loneliness and independence, freedom and passion. I was selfishly heading towards where I needed to be in life.

Those who follow dreams and live for a drive will find themselves in solitude. One must abandon what is common and sometimes what is social to find the meaning that is sought. I find myself more inclined towards a selfish motivation as I follow the allure of science. It is what drives me and the rational behind my choices. It has cost me that which is familiar. As I meet others in my field, I find this similarity. We live for our field and prioritize little above it. There is a selfishness is scholar that is oft ignored. It is the price we pay to live our dreams. We leave behind us the dreams of a traditional life and instead seek to change the world.

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